It is time we faced the truth. Especially now that we will be having billionaires run our
economy. We have moved away from a service society to a self-interest society that
places the focus and outcome on how much money you can get, and how quickly you
can get it.
Gone are the days of focusing on serving the needs of people in the critical areas of medicine, food availability, education, nutrition, and child care services to name some of what is needed to meet the needs of those comprising the American “working class”, the overwhelming majority of Americans.
Celebrity, social status and wealth are now the requirement criteria for getting people’s
attention both online and offline. It is a different world than 40 years ago and yet
the people who want the country to go “back to the good old days” don’t want to give up their current relationship with wealth and attention.
The simple life that many of us wanted only a short while ago seems to have been forgotten by most and replaced by visions of having a McMansion or accruing as much money as possible.Yet, with more wealth and more material things in our lives, we see more and more evidence that it doesn’t bring happiness or health.
Obesity, chronic disease, relationship estrangement, divorce, learning disabilities, anxiety levels, alcoholism, drug addiction and much more are all at an all-time high and yet nothing seems to move the needle because these dysfunctions are, in one way or another, putting big dollars into the pockets of the wealthiest and most powerful movers and shakers.
What is especially ironic is that there is much talk today about Godly behavior and christian values and yet the behaviors of the leaders in the politically christian movements are shocking like nothing that can be recognized as what is classically called “Christian”. Sadly, the dark side of our human nature is being exposed and encouraged. Looking out for ourselves and not being concerned with others is now a basic tenant of our cultural and political landscape.
There is much suffering around the globe. In American, which enjoys a great economy
compared to the rest of the world and offers many hope for a peaceful life, there has been an invasion of self-serving behavior by our public servants and politicians. While some may think this runaway self-serving behavior means “they are getting away with looking after their own” and making huge amounts of money while doing so, what we know from medical science is that this behavior is identical to the action of cancers.
We now understand that the bulk of cancers are parasitic behaving viruses that invade the cells of healthy tissue, consume all the nourishment from the healthy cells and move on to invade and consume the nutrition of any other cells that the cancer is not stopped from consuming.
As a culture, as a nation, we are essentially committing a form of suicide, trying to increase privilege and wealth for the minority of top earners in the U.S. while decreasing and or ignoring the needs of the vast majority of Americans.
The question is what will or what can we do to prevent this predictable social suicide before
it is too late?