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The Medical Wild West: Why Self-Advocacy Matters

Things are getting wild out there in healthcare land!

As a medical professional for almost 60 years I have never seen

such confusion, disinformation, frustration and blatant monetizing around health

care and wellness products!

It truly has become the Wild West in relationship to what "choices" we have for understanding our bodies, how to take care of our particular needs and the

"What, Why and How" of prevention.

We are being offered everything from animal de-wormer paste to surgical

approaches to deal with our most basic health and wellness. We are confused,

afraid and don't know where to turn!

The answer in this author’s opinion lies in advocacy – self-advocacy, family

advocacy and health advocacy for every level of healthcare consumers.

We now have our lawmakers and regulatory bodies working in complete

opposition to one another, creating an unprecedented state of concern for

consumers. What can we do to counter act this serious situation? How can we

separate the true from the false and know our most appropriate choices?

The National Institute of Whole Health, a 48 year old, accredited healthcare

education organization, led by healthcare veteran Dr. Georgianna Donadio, offers

everyone an opportunity to get up to speed on how to deal with our broken

healthcare system and get the care and information THEY need!

Demystified health information about What causes dysfunction in the body, How

the dysfunction becomes a chronic condition and What can you do to be present

to or address this.

Self-Advocacy and how to advocate for those we care about is currently the #1

skill each of us needs to circumvent the unapologetic monetization of health care.

Care seems to have gone out of healthcare and we must be prepared to advocate

for ourselves and those we care about in all areas and fields of health services!

Medical professionals send us in the direction of pharmacy to use drugs, often

with disturbing side effects, while the Alternative medicine folks are providing us

with 40 minute videos hacking the latest "research" they have done to come up

with to have us spend our hard earned money on their new enterprise.

One organization is offering a radically cost effective training for individuals to

take to understand how to advocate for themselves, their families and friends.

The program provides a comprehensive training in advocacy and eight

outstanding health education courses in: Obesity, Cardiac Health, Inflammation,

Chronic conditions, Functional Medicine, the Immune System, Digestion and

Nutrition and Exercise Physiology.

If you or your loved one need support and/or advocacy for their health or

recovery from illness you may wish to visit them at The National

Institute of Whole Health is the 47 year old, accredited pioneer of Whole Health

and Whole Person Care.


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